Interventional Cardiology
Distribution Portfolio
Within cardiology, Kojima deals specifically in the Interventional Cardiology space, which are catheter-based treatments to treat vascular diseases within the heart.
Common cardiovascular diseases treated by interventional cardiology include ischemic heart disease & hypertensive heart disease, which can eventually lead to heart failure.
Specifically, Kojima’s cardiology portfolio help doctors in China treat a wide array of conditions, including:
– Arrhythmia
– Atherosclerosis
– Congenital heart disease
– Heart failure
– Hypertension
– Valvular heart disease
Current product distribution portfolio for cath-labs in the interventional cardiology market.
Kojima’s product offering to hospitals in China only include top-quality, foreign-branded, imported medical devices.
– Access products
– Angiographic catheters
– Angiographic guidewires
– Balloon catheters
– Guide catheters
– Micro-guidewires
– Radial Closure Devices
– Specialty coronary micro-catheters
– Stent delivery catheters
We continually seek out foreign medical device partners to help broaden and complete our cardiology product portfolio for distribution in China.
Contact us today to start the discussion.
The Interventional Cardiology Market in China
As with the peripheral vascular space, China’s interventional cardiology market has witnessed double digit annual growth for the past 10 years (since 2005). We believe that the market will continue to enjoy this double digit annual expansion for the next 10+ years.
As doctors in China continue to hone their skills in the cath-lab and become more acquainted with cutting-edge technology to treat cardiovascular diseases, we believe the future is bright for cardiology-based medical devices.
We encourage medical device manufacturers to contact Kojima to inquire how we can take advantage of this growing market opportunity together.
Additional Resources
For more on health and procedures related to the cardiovascular space please visit the below organizations.